
who is in adam?
Michael Fleet: guitar, vocals, programming Daniel Starcher: guitar, vocals Tito: bass Dru: samples & programming

where are you from?
Originally we're from Columbus, Ohio. We moved to Nashville, TN 6 months ago to get out of Columbus' dreary atmosphere, and now we're moving to New York City this month. To say we're a bit nomadic is an understatement.

how long have you been together?
We've been together over 6 years. It started out with Mike & Tito, who were soon joined by Dan and an ever revolving lineup of drummers. Dru joined in 1996. This year we decided we've had our fill of drummers and chose to program our entire live show with sequencers, synths and samples. It's a totally different experience, but it actually makes playing live much more enjoyable for us. It got old training a new drummer every year.

who came up with the name of the group?
Our memories are a little blurry, but we believe it had something to do with the picture of Adam Clayton on the cover of U2's Achtung Baby. But that's just a rumor. You didn't hear that from us. (:

how would you classify your sound?
Artsy, noisy, emotionally intense pop/rock.

what are your musical influences?
U2, fugazi, Depeche Mode, the violet burning, Joy Division, Swans.

lyrically, where does your influence stem from?
The joys and struggles of our existence, the world around us, the writers and poets we love (Albert Camus, Jeanette Winterson, CS Lewis, ee cummings, etc.).

how have audiences responded to the group?
Overall, the response has been great! We've have our bad days (like when the drunkards at the show request we play the Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil" every five minutes), but the good ones definitely overshadow the bad. Somehow, we've managed to cross a lot of social barriers with our music: from age to gender to subculture. It's great playing to punk, emo, goth, raver and lillith fair kids AND their parents!

what has God taught you since being in a band?
Where do i begin? God has been teaching us to follow our hearts. He doesn't ask us to anything we're not capeable of doing so we need to suck it up, and tough it out. Nothing comes easy, especially if it's your destiny. But the most importiant thing we've learned is that we need to love God and love other people and if we can focus on these two things, nothing else matters.

what are your future plans?
We're releasing our new album in February, we're moving to New York city, we're going to sell lots of records, record alot of albums, tour the world, and grow old.

any last comments?
The first step in any revolution is the step away from yourself.