interview by Aaron Campbell

Who is in Born Blind?
My name is Nate. I play guitar. Chris plays bass. Judd does vocals, and kurt plays the Drums

Where are you from?
san diego, California

I know the band consists of ex-NIV members, but how did this band come about?
Judd was leaving NIV because he couldn't tour as much as they were and I was just about to join NIV but decided not to for the same reason. We still wanted to do a band so we asked Kurt and Chris if they wanted to join and it all went from there

From my point of view, the current trend in hardcore is emo and metal, you guys seem to stick to "old school" hardcore. How would you describe your sound?
you pretty much hit it on the head. We all love the old stuff. It just has an energy that you can't really get anywhere else.

How responsive have audiences been to your sound?
We usually get a really good response. It's really important to us to put on a really energetic live show and I think that translates into the audience that is watching us.

What can we expect from the new record?
The album is called "one for all" and has 13 new songs on it. It's still the same old school style but it's heavier than "pressing on" and It is a far better recording.

What made you decide to jump aboard Solid State Records?
We were looking to expand and try to take things a little further with born blind. Solid State/tooth and nail has such a broad base and ability to get their bands out there. It's been really good working with them.

Lyrically speaking, what does Born Blind stand for?
Were're pretty straight up with what we believe. We want to just spread a message of hope that God is real and is there for you. We also try to deal with a lot of differnt issues that we see going on like racism and things like that. We just try to be real and talk about what we see in every day life. hopefully someone can relate to what we have to say and be positively affected by it

All the pictures that I have seen of you guys remind of Social Distortion, the greaser look makes me wanna ask what are your favorite hot rod cars?
Chris, our bass player has a really nice 55' Desoto. it's killer!

What is something that God has taught you since being in this band?
That I need to rely on Him a lot more than I do. He's gotten us through a lot of stuff and really provided for us. I think I take that for granted far too often

Any last comments?
The new album, "one for all" comes out august 1st. We'll be playing the Cornerstone Festival and then heading out on the road. If anyone wants to see if we are playing near them they can check it out at in the tour section. Thanks for doing the interview. God Bless