interview by Aaron Campbell

Who is in Die Hard Youth and what do you play?
diehard youth is posi-t on bass, chad getsickston on guitar, eric slammo on drums and me andy diehard on vox

Where are you guys located?
were from tehahchapi ca. a small town in central ca. but we like to tell people were from o.c. so they think were hardcore

How did the band get together?
well we got together as a joke to play a girls birthday party. we did like 5 covers and called ourselves NEW THUGS ON THE BLOCK. we played 2 more shows and then we decided we actaully want to be band. a week later i was sent to kuwait. i got back to cali in june 99 and thats when diehard youth was formed.

How would you describe your sound?
i dont like to say were "old school" "new school" its all punk. we all have different influences and that kinda comes out in all our songs. we have a variety of songs from more punk to hard stomping songs. we dont really want to be classified, were hopeing to break that mold on our cd which is coming out on WARFARE RECORDS(little shout out to jon and company)

Lyrically, what are some topics you cover?
ever song is a positive song. we have no negative lyrics. some topic include, God, friends, society, having fun. pretty much everything in life but with a positve slant.

How responsive have crowds been to your live set?
very good. as a band we always have fun when we play. but ever since our first show the crowd has always been into it. some shows more than other but the coolest thing is to see the punkers, hardcore kids, everyday kids, boys and girls all in the same pit singing and having good time. the crowds also like it when we beat up on each other on stage.

What is your future plans for the band?
we plan on taking over the world like every night, actually our immediate plans are to record for the cd on WARFARE RECORDS. then this summer were doing a west coast tour with youth in submission, we will also be playing as many shows and places as possible. so if any of you kids want us to play your birthday party, prom, or wedding feel free to contact us.

What has God shown you about Him since being in this band?
ive been shown alot. He has shown me to not take for granted the things i have been given. everyday i thanks Him for this opportunity to make so many new friends and maybe effect their lifes as they effect mine. their are so many diffent kinds of people out their that God is using in awesome ways. i think we all need to let other people minister to us as well as reaching other.

Any last comments?
thanks for doing this interview. you rule. thanks to jon warfare for hooking it up. and all the kids who are doing something positive for the Christian, punk and harcore scene. keep the fire burning!

(c) 2000 United By Blood