interview by Aaron Campbell

Who plays what is Fasedown? Devin Shaeffer on vocals, Jim Chaffin Drums, Mike Phillips guitar, and John Hansen bass.

Where are you located?

Devin: We kind of come from all over really. The core of the band is in Fresno Ca. Mike and Jim were basically raised there. John was with Jim in the Blamed and moved out from Chicago to play with Fasedown about a year ago, which was right around the time that we were beginning to get our name out there, playing various shows. I'm originally from Fresno, but currently live in Redondo Beach, which makes it a nice little commute to practice.

How would you describe your sound?
Devin: Hardcore metal would be the best description. The various members have played in different styles of music. Jim mostly the hard in your face punk type bands with the Crucified and the Blamed (John the Blamed as well), Mike was with Deliverance during the Stay of Execution album, and I played with an old grind/death style band that never really made it out of the garage. I guess that's the fun part of the band, the fact that we come from such diverse backgrounds musically adds a lot of flavor to the music. Don't get me wrong, its not like I'm still doing death metal vocals, and Jim a total punk beat…we're definitely a hardcore band.
John: We are a hardcore/metal band. Jim and I grew up on the 70's & 80's punk rock scene with a very liberal dose of Slayer and Metallica. Mike came from a similar background plus progressive metal bands. Devin has more of a European death metal background. It makes for a good mix of opinions into our songwriting.

I know that some of the guys have played in other groups, how did everyone get hooked up for this band?
Devin: Jim and Mike knew each other from Calvary Chapel in Fresno. They were jamming together way back when the Crucified and Deliverance were still around. Probably since 92' or 93'. Several different people jammed with them from time to time, including Curtis Suderman, who played bass in my old death metal band. He showed the guys a tape of our practice, and that's when they brought me in for a tryout. Things didn't really work out the first time around, the bottom line being that my Walk wasn't that strong. About six months later I was much more focused on the Lord things kind of clicked. But we only played a few shows when Curtis had to quit the band. He had too much going on in his life and with his family at the time to be able to stay with Fasedown. We were a little bummed since things were really starting to come together. Jim was still doing the West Coast shows with the Blamed at the time and talked to John about Fasedown. We had played a few shows with the Blamed, so John knew what we were all about, and grooved on our sound. He and his wife prayed about it and decided to leave Jesus People in Chicago to come out to Fresno to play with the band.
John: I met Jim a few years back while I lived at the JPUSA commune in Chicago and he played for the Crucified who came to Cornerstone festival for a while. We later ended up getting closer through playing in the Blamed for a while. When I moved out to Fresno Jim asked me to join up with the band.

What is your mission for this group?
Devin: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." I think the Great Commission pretty well sums it up in Matthew 28:18-20. Fasedown it dedicated to changing lives. It is our focus to share the Gospel with everyone who has ears to hear. Denying that I think is to deny His calling. We know that we may not be the best preachers, or the best teachers around, but that doesn't matter. As long as the Word is being spoken and if this ministry blesses even one person then all the time put in was worth it.
John: To spread the word!

If you could play with one band, who would they be and why?
Devin: This question has been asked of us before, and I think I like Jim's answer better than mine. P.O.D. We played with then recently and man; I can't say how impressed I was. Their hearts were very humble, you would never know that they are one of the top bands in America by their attitudes. No one knows better than the Father who to rise up and when, and by that experience I definitely see why. I think just being around those guys is a good lesson for any Christian band on humility when you are in the limelight.
John: POD because tey're great bros in Christ. There are plenty of secular bands I'd love to tour with but won't get into here.

I heard you got signed to Rescue Records, when do you plan on releasing something?
Devin: The recording is really soon. We pretty much have all the songs ready right now. The recording time is expected to be mid to late July for an October release. Of course we all know how often c.d.'s hit the stores when they are supposed to. One thing that's pretty exciting is that the recording engineer has albums for Sepultura and Suicidal Tendencies. So far it sounds like he'll be doing this project with Fasedown as well. Noah over at Rescue has been great. He's an awesome brother and is excited about our ministry.

What has God taught you about Him since being in this band?
Devin: Mike and I have talked about this one, and the biggest theme seems to be patience. You feel like you have a good thing going but don't get any shows, any recognition, you loose band members, work schedules change everything, and BAM! You're back to square one all over again. The Lord has spoken to me in my sleep though dreams on many occasions. Years ago, I had a dream of playing in a big auditorium in front of thousands of people…when I woke, I knew it was Him telling me of my calling. After that I went though 10 years of garage bands who never went anywhere, and after a while I got frustrated. I knew I still had to trust in Him. Jim and Mike worked with this project for about seven years before anything happened. Now, here we are getting the record deal and a chance to share the love of Christ through this awesome ministry. If anyone out there has a band and feels a strong calling to the ministry don't give up! Remember how long Moses led the people around before they found the Promised Land? God has His plans, and often that includes Him waiting for us to be ready for the responsibility before anything happens.

Any last comments?
Devin: Keep the faith, and don't forget to use the talents that God gave you. We are only on this earth for so long, so don't waste it watching TV, on the net, or whatever else consumes your time. You don't have to have a band, show, website, or zine to be a witness. Strive to find what your good at and use those talents for the good of the Body! If anyone has any questions about the Jesus, the band, demo, or anything else, feel free to e-mail me at dgshae@aol.com. Put Fasedown as the subject, so I know who you are.

(c) 2000 United By Blood