Jesse & the Rockers

What is J&TR current line up? Hero: Hero bass/voc, Larry guitar, Rocket drums

How has touring gone? Any crazy stories from the road? Hero: We have been touring a little over a year. There are a ton of stories, too many to type out actually. We have a had a bunch of van problems over the past year. Like our van caught on fire 75 miles outside of LA in the mountains. Or the time we were in NY City and got on the wrong subway and ended up in the Bronx. This nice black lady looked at us and said "You boys are on the wrong bus"

Tell me about the new album. Hero: Well it is a little more mature musically I think. It is only like half punk, and half of something else. I truly believe we are more of an alternative band anyway. Lyrically I went more deeper. On T.I.N I was more upfront and more about how to receive salvation and things like that. On "Madison Road" it involves more with life as a Christian. So it is like now that you know Christ you got to live everyday, So I go through the struggle and triumphs that Christians go through. Also, I cover some ground that anyone Christian or not can relate to.

Any plans for another music video? Hero: Yeah we will be going to Texas for that, they are using a video company now, so the quality will be much better than our video for T.I.N

I have to ask did you get your name from the show Full House (uncle Jesse's band Jesse and the Rippers)? Hero: Yes

Which is better Star Wars or Star Trek or niether? Hero: Of course Star Wars, I have seen all the original ones at the theatre when they first came out. I saw the first one when I was 3 years old. Star Wars has been with me forever. My house is filled with Star Wars stuff. I am a collector. I cried when they re-released the old ones a few years ago. I totally related to Luke Skywalker wanting to get off tattooine. You know I think most musicians feel like that in their lifetime. It is like there comes a time you got to leave the house and get away

What is something God has taught you while in the band? Hero: God has taught me tons of patience. He has taught me how to be a leader and a follower. He has taught me how to depend on him for everything. He has also showed me that I have nothing to do with this really, you know I can not get someone saved. Only God can save souls. We just have to be responsive enough to follow the Holy Spirit when it guides us.

Any last comments? Hero: yeah come to our shows, if you see us coming to your town please come out and support. Also, by T.I.N if you don't have it. Put God first in your life and you will land on your feet