interview by Aaron Campbell

Who is in The Quick and the Dead?
zeke plays drums, andrew on bass, joe on guitar, and me, joel, on vocals.

Where are you located?
we are from mississippi, the dirty south.

Any cool bands from there?
yes, the north mississippi and memphis scene is somewhat connected, so we have some great talent....clenched fist from memphis play some straight up mean hardcore, fewleftstanding is also out of memphis doing the metalcore thing, outta MS, you got us,One Reason- really good emo influenced fast punk, Mainframe Theory- an amazing 3 piece "math rock" type band, and then Via Crucis- a metalcore band . So check those guys out as well.

How would you describe your sound? and what exactly is "dirtysouthbattlecore"?
basically we are a hardcore band, with a little metal influence. we try to keep the songs fast and intense with all the sing along parts, and also have the tough breakdowns that kids go crazy to. i guess thats a good description. DirtySouthBattleCore is something someone made up, and we just kinda use it, to let everyone know we are tough guys *laughs*, to me it means just the fight, the battle not to let this world change me.

I know you just got done recording a cd, what is it like?
Yes, we recorded a six song ep this weekend, at Jason Potter's Studio in Memphis, and we are extremely happy with it. it was our first time in the studio so we are pleased with how it turned out. we aren't sure exactly how we are gonna release it as of now, we have a couple different options.

How have crowds responded to your live set?
really well, everyone seems to enjoy our shows and get into. we always all have alot of fun. alsot the crowds are always real receptive and respectful about what we have to say even though they may not hold the same beliefs.

What are your favorite tv shows?
saturday night live, and seinfeld

What is something that God has taught you since being in this band?
Through this band, i feel that God has taught me alot about respecting others, being patient and humble, working as a team.

What is The Quick and the Dead's future plans?
our plans as a band is to play out as much as we possibly can, more recording, and as long as i feel i got something to say, i will keep on going.

Any last comments?
yes, thanks again aaron for taking the time to check our band out, and to do this interview. Also, Clenched Fist just released a split with Day of Mourning so get that, FewLeftStanding has a 7" coming out soon, and our EP will be out one day soon too so please check that stuff out. Support your local and surrounding area music scene.