
Who is in Selfhate?Mark on vocals,Kyle on guitar,Dustin on drums,and me Andy on the other guitar.

Where are you from?Arkadelphia and little rock

How long have you been together?We have been together about a year and a half.

How would you describe your sound?Chaotic but with diversity of other styles of music like alternative,death,and straight edge.

Who are your influences?We have so many different influences but our main ones would probably be nile,spitfire,pixies,radiohead,coalesce,etc..

Where does the name "selfhate" come from?It comes from the bible verse Luke 14:26

If you could play with one band who would they be?I would say personally zao,and the cool thing is were booked to play with them this march. So were pretty excited.

do you have any favorite Bible verses?really Luke 14:26 probably is because it helps kill all the pride I have and helps me take up my cross daily.

What has God taught you about Him since being in a band?That he is very loving and blesses me everyday when I know I dont deserve a thing . I dont even deserve to live.

what are selfhate's immediate plans?To hit the road this spring and play and support our cd coming out on reborn records. Then maybe in April star recording our new full length hopefully it will also be on reborn records.

Any last comments?yes, be looking for our ep out on reborn records it should be in all stores. also we are always looking for shows so give us an e-mail at and if your around anywhere we are playing come check us out and get nutty.