Spite of Opposition

Who is in Spite of Opposition and what instruments do you play?
SofO: Mike Ledet-vocals, Larry Stephens-guitar, Jon Stephens-guitar, Brian "Beetle" Olson (that's me)-bass, Rudy Capps-drums.

Where are you from and how long have you been together?
SofO: The band started in Jacksonville, NC in January of 98, and we have just recently relocated to Wilmington, NC (about an hour from Jacksonville).

Where does the name "Spite of Opposition" come from?
SofO: My wife Amanda actually came up with the name after reading the bible while everyone was brainstorming for a name. We all know that Jesus was ridiculed and opposed as he witnessed to his disciples and witnessed to people throughout the land. Jesus witnessed to the people in spite of opposition, and we will too. Then, the name "Spite of Opposition" was born. And believe me, we have faced a lot of opposition in our short two year history.

How would you describe your sound?
SofO: A cross between Hardcore and Death metal. Real hardcore, for example, Sick of it all, Sheer Terror. NOT Korn, or Limp Bizkit. We have a lot of musical influences such as Hatebreed, Zao, Living Sacrifice, Embodyment, Sick of it all, and Sheer Terror.

What is your mission with this band?
SofO: To do God's will, witness to as many people as we can about Jesus, and to praise and worship Him.

How did you get into hardcore music?
SofO: When I lived in Ogden, Utah I got into Skateboarding at the age of 12, and to be a cool skater in Ogden you had to listen to punk rock (Exploited, G.B.H., SubHumans, etc.). Then I gradually started listening to heavier stuff. When I got my hands on the first DRI and Suicidal Tendencies, I was like WOW, this is what I want. So, I've been listening to hardcore ever since. Now I'm 27. Boy does time fly.

Lyrically, where does you influences come from?
SofO: Our hearts, and what Jesus has done for us, and what he wants to do for you.. The world around us. We write about things we see wrong with people, things like racism, drug addiction, abortion, child abuse, all the things that man has brought unto man, and that Jesus loves you regardless, and our complete and total faith in Him.

When I first starting going to shows, I saw a lot of death metal bands and always the pits where crazy! One thing I noticed when going to those shows was when the band was playing something really fast the lights would go off and the strobe light would come on making for a scary experience of light and bodies. any of that at your shows? (I am joking)
SofO: No. We're not rockstars.

What has God taught you since being in this band?
SofO: That sometimes negative things happen that you don't necassarily agree with, and when that happens you have to turn the negative into positive, because God tests us everyday. So when something negative happens now, I know it's God testing us as a band and as a person, and automatically I start picking the positives out of the negatives. So, God has made me an optimist. Just this time last year I was totally pessimistic. I love God.

What are Spite Of Opposition's future plans?
SofO: To keep doing what we're doing, playing as many shows as we can, write new material, and just let God control what happens to the band in the future.

any last comments?
SofO: We'd like to thank everyone and anyone who has supported us by coning to shows, buying a CD or shirt. We'd like to thank all those opposed to what we are doing, thank you, it makes us stronger. God bless. Check us out at these websites: www.jesusfreak.com/sofo and www.christcore.net/clenchedfist