interview by Aaron Campbell

Who is who in Unseen Adversary and what do you play?
Unseen Adversary is_Travis Latham--guitar & vocals/ Chris Plummer--bass & vocals/ Brent Plummer--drums Fred Rogers(aka Mr.Rogers from TV)--he fills in on guitar whenever Travis can't make it

Where are you located?
Beaver Dam, Kentucky (western part of state)

How would you describe your sound?
We describe our sound as brutal hardcore/metalcore. Our music has received comparison to Underoath(Takehold Records) & is heavily influenced by the likes of FewLeftStanding & Chalice(both Takehold Records).

How did you get together?
We all grew up in the same church & have known each other for most of our lives. About 3 years ago we got together to play a song for our church talent night & it just all fell into place from there. We felt God was calling us to continue playing together, so we started writing songs & over time getting more mature as song writers, but more importantly as Christians.

Lyrically, where does your influence stem from?
Jesus Christ is our only influence lyrically. All our songs are taken from the Bible & have scriptures to back them up. We will always remain this way. We feel we are obligated to stay straight-forward about our faith. It saddens me to see some bands start out bold & then when they start making it 'big' they begin to candy-coat their message.

How about musically?
Like I said earlier, we have influences of Underoath & FewLeftStanding, but our style is unique. It would definitely fall into the hardcore/metalcore genre. "HM" mag says we 'pummel our listeners with a brutal hardcore attack. We are also HUGE fans of N'Sync & all the other boy bands of the world.

Tell me a little more about your Bible study that you have. (what are some things you talk about, what has been the response, ect...)
UA leads a Bible study every Friday night for the youth of our county. We are currently discussing Revelations & the end times. We just finished about a 2 month long discussion on who our enemy is(Satan) and how we can defeat him through the power of God. The response has been great. We have it on Fridays as a kind of alternative for youth instead of going out & getting messed up with the whole party scene. It's a crazy world out there & it is so important to have Christian friends that you can turn to. Once a month we have a big celebration with live bands. At the celebrations, there are usually around 100 kids out. We feel it is important for ministry bands to have other ministries which they are involved in. We have grown tremendously through this & we encourage other bands to maybe try starting up something like this.

What has God taught you since being in this band?
Well I (Brent) have grown a lot since being in this band. Our style of music has brought on a lot of criticism from fellow brothers & sisters in Christ. God has taught me patience in dealing with them. Seems like we always are having to justify ourselves. God has showed me that some people may never 'get it' & understand why we have to scream. It just may not be for them to understand. Our music is not for everybody & we understand that. God is our only audience & we only seek to please Him. Being involved in a ministry such as UA, has brought me closer to God & made me realize the responsibility I have as a Christian. People are always watching us, and we must make our Heavenly Father proud to call us His sons. It takes daily dedication, not just once a week. Reading the Word is so important. That's how our spirit is fed. Just think about it...we eat every day so our bodies will get nourished. We must read the word daily so that our spirit gets nourished as well. God is so awesome!!

Any future projects in the works?
We just recently signed with indie label 'Circulation Records'. We are preparing to record our first full length CD. It will be titled 'When a Broken Sky Calls Me Home'. Please remember us in your prayers as we prepare for recording. We are trying to set up shows for the summer, so if anyone would like to have us play, just e-mail us.

Any last comments?
We would like to give a big shout out to all the boy bands out there. Always remember U + ME = US!!! Props to Mr. Rogers for filling in when we need him. He is not that great, but he is such a great neighbor to us. Everybody stay strong in Christ. Seek His face daily. Truly get into the Word & study it. Get involved at a church that is on fire for God. If your church is not on fire, light a match under them or find a church that is on fire. Do not be complacent in your walk with Christ. Strive to grow. We love you guys & please remember us in your prayers. Take care & God bless!!!

(c) 2000 United By Blood