Youth In Submission

by Aaron Campbell

Here is an rad interview with Travis Youth of Southern Cal Hardcore band Youth in Submission. Check them out @

Who is in Youth in Submission, what do they play, where are you from? How would you describe your sound? How do you respond to the label "Spirit-Filled Hardcore" or "Christian band"?
1&2. Youth in Submission consists of : Jeremy simpson-bass, Jason coleman-drums, Travis Garrecht-Guitar, and Josh Seibert-vocals, we play Youth Crew Hardcore. Mostly old school, but with a bit o the new in there too. We are from Southern California, or to be more exact, the mighty mighty SCV!!!!! We respond to the label of spirit-filled hardcore by simply saying "yup, that's us." for some reason bands are into dogging labels a lot, we arent too down with that. We are a straight up hardcore band that serves Christ and nothing else, so by our own definition we are spirit filled hardcore. We don't shy away from that. Another label we get a lot is a Christian band, well this too is totally fine by us, cause we are. The only reason we have this band is to serve Christ, and if that doesn't make us a christian band i don't know what does.

What are your musical influences? Do you get to play live very often? pretty positive response? any backlash?
3. Musical influences.. hmm.. I'd say Gorilla Biscuits/Youth of Today mainly, with a little bit of new school melodicness in there too. We love both styles and we use them both as much as we can. we play live as much as we possibly can, usually that's a few times a month, we wish we could play more, but there just arent enough shows out here. The crowd is always rad, its all about the sing-a-long, stage dives and high fives. We do get some backlash, of course, being a christian band you must be doing something wrong if you arent getting any. We proclaim Christ's truth boldly and loudly and a lot of people don't want to hear that. Well I guess that's their own god given free will to choose not too, but the only way to silence us is to kill us:-)

Lyrically, where does the inspiration from you songs come from? What kinds of issues do you take on?
4. Lyrically our inspiration comes from Jesus Christ. We write about things in our life that we are dealing with from a christian point of view. All songs we write are glorifying to him and that is how it will always be. We will never start writing songs about something else, simply because we believe its a waste of time. to live is Christ to die is gain. We address all the things we deal with in our lives, from a positive point of view. Despair, Sexual Temptation, Legalism, etc. in our songs, unlike so many other bands, we give a solution to the problems we discuss and always keep it positive. Christ calls us to live our lives in a state of constant joy. I cannot justify writing depressing songs knowing that God himself sent his only son to die for me because he loved me so much. there is no excuse to be down. at all times we must keep our heads up and remember what the final outcome is going to be, that our toil is not invain.

If I am not mistaken, you're on Warfare Records. What is Wafare Records? What can we expect from the label?
5. Warfare Records is the freakin raddest label in the world. It is run by our homeboy from the SD, Jon Mack. He is one of the most godly guys we have ever met (quite a good dancer too). His label is committed to only one thing, and that's the spreading of good christian hardcore to glorify Jesus Christ. You can always expect Warfare Records to deliever good christian hardcore with absolutely NO COMPROMISE. Another band on Warfare, Edge of Mortality, just had its CD release. I recommend that you check them our as soon as you can, the are one of the best Metalcore bands around. Support a truly hardcore christian endeavor and check Warfare out.

When you're not doing stuff with the band, what do you like to do?
6.When we're not playing or practicing with our band, you can usually find us at our friends band's shows, Promoting our label and faith at shows, promoting on the net, going to church, reading the bible, Work, college, looking for a show to goto, or riding Christmas trees around a parking lot (long story). that's about all we do here in so cal. but there are almost always good shows to goto.

I noticed an article about the art of hardcore dancing on you website, care to share any thoughts about it?
7. Hehe the dancing thing. we love getting on the floor! I got many comments about dancing in the pit:-) first off, HAVE FUN! sheesh you don't need to kill someone out there to have a good time. next remember to share the floor, especially if you only got one move, don't be a floorhog, cause that's mean. be open minded, just cause you like dancing/pitting doesn't mean the kids that like pitting/dancing are wrong, its all good cause we are all in Christ. Let them have fun and get off the pride thing. Um lastly, if kids are dancing and you are around or in the pit, you are going to get hit. its a fact. don't act all surprised it happened or like they meant to do that, its all in good fun. if you don't want to get hit, don't be around the pit.

In a few words, what is Youth In Submission's mission?
8. Our mission is to spread the truth of Christ to the kids in the hardcore scene, and anyone else that we can. We are involved in hardcore simply cause we think its the best music around. We think its scene is the most honest and sincere scene going (this is just our opinion though). Our mission is to show kids that Christianity is not about going to church every sunday or following rules that a preacher points down at you, but its about personal choice and just how "hardcore" you really are for what you believe. We want to show them that christians have more fun than anybody, and we don't need hate or drugs to do it.

What has God taught you about Him since being in this band?
9.Above all else God has taught us that he will always be faithful, no matter where we go in life. A few times we as a band were slipping a little in our walks. Instead of punishing us as we deserved to get us back in line, God blessed us more and more instead. He showed me that he is always faithful, even when im not. He shows us that his mercy knows no bounds. i couldn't list all the things he has taught me thought my experiences in the band, but that is the one lesson that has hit me the hardest. I know that there are many more lessons on the way, and that he's gonna be there through every one of them.

Any last comments?
10. just a little reminder to all the christian kids out there to keep your priorities straight. No matter if you are straightedge, skinhead, vegan, punk, whatever. Remember that you are here to serve CHRIST ALONE. there is no point in trying to stand for a scene that is of this world, no matter how noble or righteous it appears. If you are not for God, you are against him. Please brothers and sisters, be careful. PEACE! travis youth